Des histoires courtes, des tranches de vie, des anecdotes, des récits loufoques. Des parcours d’enfance, des aventures, des périples, des carnets de voyages pas très classiques en Inde, en Thaïlande, au Laos, en Espagne, en France… Une écriture pas trop policée, parfois écorchée. Bonne lecture.
« C’est délicieux à lire, rock’n’roll à souhait , et à pleurer de rire , dépaysant et plein d’émotions ! » Marinette.
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Les aventures d’un autre siècle
Derniers Articles
You fucking understood it! You knew all and you knew why! You knew why your life, your friends, your family… You understood them, you loved them, and you knew why. You understood the whole society and the world. You understood selfishness, and every man for himself. You understood good people and broken people too. They weren’t there, but you were with them, and you were dedicating this moment to them.
The architect buddy
Sam had rented an apartment right next to mine, with a slightly special deal. The former tenants had rather ravaged it, and he had therefore offered the owner to redo it for three months’ rent free of charges.
– Do you at least know something about?
The unbreakable
– The clown is a whole being who lands without conditioning in a world that is full of conditioning, without any clown. Kind of like you two actually.
– She’s looking at us there, right?
– Uh, yes I think so.